Friday, January 29, 2010

End of January

Spring 2010 Classes (also crazy that its already 2010)
Modern Architecture and Sustainability: This professor is amazing! He does not even have to bring notes to class, but talks the entire time non-stop and goes really in depth without making concepts or topics seem overbearing. Probably the class I look for to the most.
Natural Resource Economics and Policy: The prof worked in SoCal electricity for a very long time and he knows his business, very informative, very smart.
Art History [Ancient World]: I just added this course. Another lecture style course, a lot of slides and cool comparisons between ancient and modern art. Pretty straightforward and enjoyable.
Drawing 1: The teacher is really intimidating and harsh-grading wise. Almost the entire class did awfully on our first assignment, but I like her a lot. She is reminiscent of E, except way meaner.
CATZ: athletic training class twice a week, so sore

other things
-frisbee team is going to be really good this year
-acapella group just took four new members
-new room mate (old one abroad)
-finally stopped raining
-going to start writing comics for the newspaper again


1 comment:

  1. Your classes sound great! We miss you but looking forward to Spring Break....hopefully we'll have as much snow there as we have here right now! BTW, Brutal played great against Vandy A last night. xoxo Michelle
