I have finally started making moves toward going to medical school, and it is looking like there is quite long road ahead. As of now I'm taking my MCATs in the middle of may, a week or two after my regular exams end. I'm in a Kaplan class with Beth and it's going alright, but there is a hell of a lot of info to cover between now and then. I've been having a lot of fun being in a class with beth again, it's been since highschool. One thing that got much simpler recently is deciding whether i'm going to take a year off before going to med school. I saw an adviser who said my app would be much stronger next year, after I have more clinical xp, so I have to spend the summer working with patients in philly or at vandy in some capacity or another. Hopefully my dad ca help me out with that. So, now I have to figure out what to do in my year off after college. It's scary having to think about the future like this, especially since planning is not my strong suit. I'm leaning towards international volunteering, probably something with a medical theme. A fraternity brother of mine is involved with this amazing program where they go to slums in India, fighting poverty with medicine and education. They rent an ambulance and treat children, handing out meds, giving bandages, vaccinations, etc. They hire a few doctors to oversee the operation and sign off on their diagnoses, and after they leave they pay the docs to come back once a week to check up on the kids. One interesting thing is that what they do for these children would probably be illegal in the US, but out of necessity it's welcomed in India. My only prpblem with what they are doing is that it doesn't at all get to the root of the problem, which is the severe malnourishment in the area.
On a lighter note, I have a frisbee tournament in NC this weekend, and I just collaborated with one of my friends on the team to redesign the upenn jerseys. if I can figure out how to add a picture i'll post it.

There we go. Cool right? the fish is actually part of the upenn crest, and the thing on the shoulder is a bit of graffiti that says "Void" which is our team name. The team is way more fun this year, even if we aren't as good as we used to be. Hopefully this weekend we'll have better weather than two weeks ago (we played in 2 inches of snow, nearly froze to death)
Looking forward to skiing with Sam soon (and possibly jesse colton)
Hope everyone is doing well
where are you guys skiing
ReplyDeletealso the color on the jerseys is sweet