I don't want to make this too long, because being the first post, I think it shouldn't be a novel or anything. But big things that have been going on for me recently.
I declared my major (Environmental Analysis - Design Track [please don't mention architecture dad, i get it]) and a minor (Economics).
I got cast in the fall one acts, I am the county attorney and I think I know who the murderer was.
I'm a junior in college. Which is weird and cool, and mostly weird.
Other Things
All of my nice clothes are wrinkled because I didn't dry them properly before I left for school. So I have only worn random old t-shirts and shorts. But whatever its california and they go well with flip-flops.
Its hot. Like legitimately hot, and this is the first year I am living without air-conditioning. Its fine at night, but during the day it gets pretty crazy. But everyone says that it cools down pretty quickly through september.
I'm living with Tom, who is this very dedicated to school and easygoing as well as a good party guy. So its a good situation. We each have a single but they are attached. And his has the bathroom and mine has the exit, so its more of a two room double if that makes sense.
I talked to the editor of The Student Life (the paper on campus) who is a friend of mine and I am going to try and do a comic for this semester each week. May ask for advice at some point.
if you have gotten this far, congradulations!
(also i guess I should explain this is, as of now, Markham (me), Nicky, Will, Edward, Samuel, Andrew, and Andy just kinda posting for our parents. We have spread out around the country, but want to do a good job at keeping in touch with the people who care at home. Basically, ting, sophie, mushu, creek, and eliot need to know whats going on)